To a nation with love:
Who are you ?
You are a human being.
The nation may be many things, but you - you are a being endowed with imagination, creativity, capacity, reason, instincts, and yes, that strange & elusive force called love.
You are mighty with love. Filled to the brim, and at times overflowing. Other times you may feel sunk to the bottom, unable to swim, & yet somehow, someway, love finds a way.
Like water, Love finds a way. Somehow, some way. It crawls through our nooks and crannies, finding its way into the darkness and illuminating the shadows. Opening wounds, and revealing rot, allowing the healing power of light & love to arrive.
Love finds a way.
This land has been at war since the Settlers first arrived. For the Europeans fleeing feudalism, the last five centuries have been a great expansion of freedom & liberation. For those brought here in chains, it has been an everlasting struggle for sovereignty, in a place determined to make you a slave. And for those who have always lived here, whose families go back a thousand generations, the last five centuries have been an apocalypse. A level of destruction and death so vast, most born in modern times will never know, the Freedom that was here before. That Liberty has always been the law of this land.
Today we face a choice. Two men who carry the same complexion, and whose ancestors come from the same hemisphere of the earth. Neither respect the original inhabitants of this land, and both believe in their Ordained Supremacy over this land, and many other lands.
One however, has embraced Hate as an explicit rallying cry. Embraced Anger and Violence, as encouraged pathways to gaining power and domination. Embraced Racial Supremacy, as a central doctrine of his ideology. This man must be defeated.
With Love has been a whispered request, welcoming human beings of every shade and tone, to defeat Hate & embrace Love.
Joe Biden may well be the least inspiring democratic candidate in modern history. He is neither heroic nor truthful, neither gifted in the art of persuasion, nor charm. He has a history of small deceptions, and has often used politics to expand power for Empire.
Perhaps the only truly redeeming quality in Joe as a candidate for President, and a figure in modern history, is that for nearly a decade, he showed the world what it looked like, for an elder White Man, to serve as second to the first Black President.
This is no small thing. His life served as an example to millions of White Men and White Women, who had never learned to defer authority to those they had claimed supremacy over. In this, he led #withlove.
Millions of americans are calling on millions of Americans to do the same. You may not have a perfect choice, or even a good choice in this election, but the choice is quite clear:
Vote With Hate
Vote With Love.
The Democratic party is far from perfect, and neither are the movements that support it. They are however, at this very moment in time, the only recourse to directly combat the Hate that currently holds too much power over all of humanities lives.
To remove hate,
We must vote with love.
The Love is not in the party you are supporting. It’s not in a politicians hands, or a leaders heart.
The Love is Within You.
Don’t Vote because a talking head said so. Because some quack on television barked into your living room.
Vote because your heart tells you the Orange Man must be brought down.
Vote because your soul knows he is full of hatred, and he using that hatred to harm.
Vote because you know the power structure won’t solve our collective problems, but working as a collective just might.
Vote because while you may not be able to win all you believe in, your vote can stand in Solidarity with those whose lives hang in the balance, and have neither voice nor vote themselves.
Vote with Love.
Live with Love.
Heal with Love.
Sent with love,